Patient Involvement

In the winter of 2015, the Central Administration of Health Care (HSF) at Stockholm City Council (SLL) presented a challenge to Openlab Stockholm. The challenge involved how to increase patient involvement in the existing healthcare system, and how to gain patient input and feedback regarding their own and other ́s care. HSF wanted us to come up with a strategy for how they can involve citizens, patients and/or their relatives in the planning, design and follow-up of healthcare. By using Design Thinking, a human-centered and iterative process, we found the users’ needs and expectations and integrated these into the design of the solution. Our proposed solution to this challenge is the Patient Involvement Group (PIG). PIG will work continuously at the HSF-level, involving citizens, patients and/or their relatives in the direct development of the region’s healthcare. PIG will use different kinds of methods in order to inform, collect feedback and involve citizens, patients and/or their relatives in their healthcare. The information gathered will thereafter be used in the procurement process of new, as well as the revision of existing, healthcare services. The aim of this solution is thereby to incorporate a patient-oriented perspective already at an early, regulatory level.

Project presentation video

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