Apply to The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority´s (PTS) hackathon 15th of Mars at Openlab

pts2Websites perceives differently for different people. That´s why they are tested in different browsers and units. Sometimes with the help of simulators. But there is not many tools available to test other variations, like color blindness, dyslexia, language knowledge or mobility impairments. At the same time the demand increases that all people should be able to participate on the web under the same conditions.

Come and simulate different ways to experience the web with the help of our 5 senses, technology and design. Be inspired by a superhero suit that takes away one sense and replaces it with a supersense. Be educated about web accessibility and be a part of creating new tools and ideas that will make the web more inclusive !

The hackathon will be held in swedish.

More information and sign up here!

What? Hackathon

Where? Openlab, Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm

When? 15.03.2016