SpiderWoman 2.0

Challenge: How can we improve the information flow & integrate the information for both patients & relatives at the emergency room waiting area?
Challenge Giver: Sachsska Children’s & Youth Hospital, Emergency room, Södersjukhuset (SÖS)
Solution: SpiderWoman 2.0
Concept: An information management tool that improves the experience at the children’s emergency waiting room for both, the parents and the children.
Challenge Area: Health care


The Openlab-team named Happy Journey tackled the challenge of how to improve the patients and parents experience at the Children’s Emergency Room Sachsska at the Södersjukhuset (SÖS) hospital of Stockholm. Despite the general presumption of the problem being long waiting lines, the group faced in interviews many happy little patients and their satisfied parents, whose problem did not seem to be the queues. However, based on previous research and many more interviews, the group identified the challenge to lie in the lack of information flow. Thus, they created an animal machine, called SpiderWoman 2.0. SpiderWoman 2.0 is an information management tool that improves the experience at the children’s emergency waiting room for both, the parents and the children.

As the situation at the emergency room changes all the time according to acute cases, no exact waiting time can be foreseen. Thus, instead of queueing numbers, the patients receive an animal of their choice – guiding the patients through their journey in the children’s hospital emergency room by providing them up-to-date information on the process and the possibility to register themselves. This reduces the amount of administrative tasks of nurses, provides crucial and stress-reducing information for the parents, and makes the hospital visit more fun for the kids.

Project presentation video

A project by: Johanna Dietrich, Alexandra Farazouli, Thuong Nguyen, Md Ratin, Sonja Viljanen, Maureen Gichohi