Bee trustee – Bli god man

Original challenge: How can we recruit more new trustees and get the current ones to take on more missions?
Challenge from: Stockholm stad, Stockholm Chief Guardian Administration
Redefined challenge: Trustees need support to better understand and manage their responsibility and a community that keeps them motivated and inspired in their mission, and thereby fostering a positive awareness about trusteeship in society.
Solution: Bee Trustee/Bli god man
Concept: Bee Trustee is a gathering of trustees which provides a space for socialization, inspiration, and recognition through digital badges, enhancing trustees’ sense of accomplishment. This solution supports both recruitment and retention by creating a positive, rewarding space for trusteeship.
Team: Trusting Hands
Tilde Berg, Kung Narkcharoen, Carrah Kaijser, Noortje Van Hoof, Joyce Temu, Juan Posada.

Bee Trustee

Report abstract

In collaboration with the city of Stockholm and The Chief Guardian Administration (CGA), a group of students from Belgium, Sweden, Thailand, the USA, Tanzania and Colombia were given the challenge of “How can the City of Stockholm recruit more trustees and get current trustees to continue?”

Interviews with existing, former, and potential trustees revealed that trustees are driven by altruism but face challenges such as a lack of recognition, guidance, and support. This led to reframing the challenge: “Trustees need support to better understand and manage their responsibilities and a community that keeps them motivated and inspired.” Based on these insights, five concepts were developed, which after testing and feedback were redefined into the “Bee Trustee” concept. The concept of an event provides a space for socialization, inspiration, and recognition through digital badges, enhancing trustees’ sense of accomplishment. This solution supports both recruitment and retention by creating a positive, rewarding space for trusteeship.

Project presentation video

A project by: Tilde Berg, Kung Narkcharoen, Carrah Kaijser, Noortje Van Hoof, Joyce Temu, Juan Posada.