Biking in Stockholm 

Challenge: How to get companies to prioritize cycling and create bicycle friendly environment at their workplaces & How to encourage more employees to commute by bike.
Challenge Giver: Cykelvänligast (the most bike-friendly) a sub- organization of the Environmental department of Stockholm City.
Solution: The Commuter Board
Concept: a digital and interactive platform that provides cycling-related information, engage companies and employees by making them part of a cycling competition, and allows cyclists to connect with each other.
Challenge Area: Sustainable city development


Cycling is considered to be a part of a modern urban lifestyle; a sustainable way of getting around that benefits the environment, one’s health, general well-being, and productivity at work. Stockholm gradually becomes a bicycle-friendly city. In our project we are trying to examine ways of bicycle commuting stimulation and societal changes acceleration by using the design-thinking method. We are trying to develop practical solutions to make more working-age people commute by bicycle. 

In our research, we realized that despite the growing trend cyclists fail to unite around the idea of bicycle commuting. This prevents them from acquiring a community-based tool of influence that can be effective for stimulating change both inside companies and on the city level. The collected data highlighted how social and psychological aspects can strongly impact people’s daily decision-making about the way of commuting to their workplace. These findings made us focus on developing solutions that could help to integrate cycling into working life, change its image and make it a social experience on multiple levels. 

The report presents several concepts with different requirements for the implementation, that are aiming to create a movement and make people unite around the idea of city cycling. 

Project presentation video

A project by: Ndidiamaka Duru, Mariia Otkalenko-Povalinska, Elise Perrault, Stian Berg, Marton Borsos, Veera Mertsalmi, Dhruv Haldar