
Original challenge: How can we, through outward-oriented work and alternative working methods, create improved conditions for building trust with and relationships with the people and families who may need support?
Challenge from: Famnen (Department of Individual and Family Care in the Farsta District)
Redefined challenge: How can the diverse residents of Farsta district, learn about and reach the preventative Social Services in an inclusive and empowering way?
Solution: The Neighborhood Tree
Concept: The Neighbourhood Tree is an interactive installation in the local library, featuring multilingual flyers with QR codes linking directly to the app. Designed with a community-centered approach, it offers clear messaging and eye-catching visuals to engage the diverse population of Farsta.
Team: Milkyway
Julia Gootzen, Pakezea Anwar, Ntsokoleng Mohlabi, Nils Tourne-Blomberg and Jainick Vishani.

Famnen - neighborhood tree

Report abstract

This report captures the journey of our design thinking project forFamnen, a preventive social service unit in Farsta, Stockholm. Westarted with the challenge: “How might we build trust with families indiverse communities, especially those with migration backgrounds ornegative experiences with social services?” Using the Double Diamondprocess, we dove into research,interviews, and observations to redefinethe challenge as:“How can the residents of Farsta district discoverand access preventive social services in an inclusive andempowering way?”

Our findings emphasized the need for clear communication, culturallysensitive outreach, and trust-building initiatives. We explored fiveconcepts: Local Ambassadors, the Neighbourhood Tree, Urban Pockets,The First Step (printed materials), and a DigitalSolution. Through testingand feedback, we refined our focus to two solutions: the NeighbourhoodTree and a storytelling app.

The Neighbourhood Tree is a physical installation designed to connectpeople, offering visually engaging, multilingual information and fosteringcommunity interaction. Complementing this, the storytelling app provideseasy access to resources in multiple languages, a discussion forum, anddirect communication with social services.

We developed an implementation roadmap, strategies for communityengagement, and a plan for ongoing evaluation. Our solutions aim tobridge the gap between social services and residents, fostering trust,inclusion, and a stronger sense of community. This approach aligns withthe UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and provides a scalable modelfor other districts facing similar challenges.

Project presentation video

A project by: Julia Gootzen, Pakezea Anwar, Ntsokoleng Mohlabi, Nils Tourne-Blomberg and Jainick Vishani.