Finns I Sjön
Water conscious living in Stockholm
Challenge: To maintain good water status in Stockholm, using Ericsson sensors to obtain data.
Challenge Giver: City of Stockholm, Ericsson/ Digital Demo Stockholm
Solution: Finns I Sjön
Concept: Raise citizens’ awareness and engagement related to issues of water quality in Stockholm.
Challenge Area: Sustainable urban development
The good status of waterbodies in Stockholm is often taken for granted and it is assumed that governmental institutions are making sure the quality of the water is assured. Even though this is partly correct, citizens are part of what causes so-called bad water status and can above all be part of a solution. In the past months we have noticed a lack of awareness and engagement related to issues of water quality in Stockholm.
These insights have been set off by a challenge put forward by Stockholm Stad and Ericsson. The challenge centered around the concept of ‘good water status’ in the Stockholm region, with Ericsson offering water quality monitoring sensors. Making use of the Design Thinking-method, the team has developed a final concept to battle this knowledge gap, lack of awareness and in an effort to motivate people to contribute to the good water status-cause.
Finns I Sjön is a twofold concept that uses a physical landmark in the form of a tree to show the quality of the water in Stockholm and to connect people to the water. Secondly, an application is chosen as the platform to provide information about the quality of the water and to engage people with local water statuses.
Our goal was to achieve a higher level of awareness about the water quality which in turn can lead to impactful actions. This lack of awareness and lack of engagement has prompted a disconnection between actions that. people take on land and the consequences it has for the status of the water bodies within the built environment. Finns I Sjön aims to make people aware of the quality of the water in Stockholm by engaging them with a floating entity in that same water, which visualizes the status of the water quality.
Project presentation video
A project by: Andreas Dahlberg, Maj El Sharif, Rebecca Eyanae, Linn Johansson, Ivan Juan Roijals Miras, George Kagwe, Lode van der Velde