Future Elderly
Original challenge: How can we reach out to soon-to-be senior residents and find out their future needs of and expectations on elderly care?
Challenge from: Farsta Elderly Care, Prevention Unit
Redefined challenge: How can we build trust in elderly care, provide clear information and ensure personalised care for aged individuals that supports joyful and meaningful late-life development?
Solution: StuSup
Concept: Master’s students in fields such as social work, social studies, and occupational therapy will work collaboratively in groups, guided by senior mentors from Farsta. The course will be a 15 ECTS master’s level program conducted at a 50% pace. It will include a mix of theoretical learning, workshops, guest lectures, and podcasts. Students will also organize cultural events designed for future seniors, fostering creativity and intergenerational exchange.
Team: G.O.A.T.
Capucine Sachot, Corina Damian, Dian Edathinakam, Joshua Ngumi, Linus Johansson, Nadine Habicht, Yizhi
Report abstract
This report presents our team’s efforts to develop innovative concepts addressing the challenge connecting with and understanding the needs of the future elderly population in Farsta. Our aim is to contribute to the creation of resilient, adaptive, and sustainable elderly care services. The report details how the application of the design thinking method enabled us to gain a comprehensive understanding of this complex challenge, as well as the dynamics between the various stakeholders involved in elderly care in Farsta. It also explains how insights gathered during the various phases guided the development of concepts, including one that has been further refined to off practical solution. This concept is intended to support
the establishment of robust and sustainable elderly care services in Farsta.
Project presentation video
A project by: Capucine Sachot, Corina Damian, Dian Edathinakam, Joshua Ngumi, Linus Johansson, Nadine Habicht, Yizhi