Hand in Hand Söder

Activation of the community for the future seniors with the usage of the online plat-form and participatory budgeting

Original challenge: How might Södermalm city district meet the changing, evolving, and increasing need of elderly care through this: How can we find out about the expectations of future seniors and their families to offer appreciated, spot on and sought after activities, service, support and care that contributes to an independent life for as long as possible?
Challenge from: Södermalms stadsförvaltning
Redefined challenge: How can Södermalm city district address the needs of seniors, ensuring they can confidently take the first step by making the activities well-matched, eye-catching, and approachable while promoting independence, social engagement, which will result in better well-being?
Solution: Hand in Hand Söder
Concept: Our main solution is a package of services that include participatory budgeting, well-matched activities and an online platform
Team: WeCare
Vanja Tramosljanin, Kamil Dabrowski, Zara Taha, Samuel Killagane

Projektet Hand in Hand Söder


This report provides a minutiae of a comprehensive design thinking journey taken to address the needs and challenges faced by seniors within the Södermalm city district. The initiative aimed to create innovative solutions that aspire to support and enhance current and future seniors, social engagement, and as a result creating a profound well-being among the elderly community. Commencing with stakeholder engagement through interviews and observation, to persona development and creating insight which led to a redefined challenge or a new Point of View. The project navigated through the phases of ideation, prototyping, and iterative testing with 5 concepts. Following the creation of the initial concepts was concept selection, which had the team choose a concept based on criteria and weights agreed upon by the team and to fur-thermore build upon that concept, perform enhanced testing and prototyping, and develop a business plan.

Den här rapporten ger en detaljerad beskrivning av en designresa för att möta de behov och utmaningar som seniorer inom Södermalms distrikt står inför. Initiativet syftar till att skapa innovativa lösningar som strävar efter att stödja och förbättra klimatet för nuvarande och framtida seniorer samt engagera till ett ökat socialt liv. Projektet börjar genom att intervjua och observera, följt av personutveckling och skapande av insikter som ledde till en omdefinierad utmaning, alltså den utgångspunkt detta projekt kommer att utgå från. Projektet innefattar olika faser av idéskapande, prototypframställning och testning som resulterade i 5 olika koncept. Efter att de olika koncepten definierats, fick teamet välja ett vinnande koncept/lösning. Dessa är baserade på alla de insikter och kriterier som identifierats i början av projektet. Det var med denna information och kunskap som projektet återigen testades och kunde resultera i en fullgjord plan för den ursprungliga utmaningen.

Project presentation video

A project by: Kamil Dabrowski, Samuel Killagane, Vanja Tramosjlnin, Zara Taha