Stockholm in Motion

Physically activating citizens of Stockholm
Challenge giver: Stockholm Athletic Council
Solution: The Sports Truck & The Coach Net
Concept: A movable sports arena driving around Stockholm & a flexible network of senior sports coaches mentoring younger coaches
Challenge area: Health

A yoga instructor teaching yoga from the Sports truck-stage.


In January 2015 we were given a challenge by Idrottsförvaltningen (Stockholm Athletic Council) and we were asked to find new innovative ways of getting Stockholmers in general and four target groups in particular to be more physically active by providing some ideas and answers about how future sports arenas could be. After some months of research we have come up with our final concept, which is a solution that really covers all the different aspects of the given challenge. Today, on June 4th 2015, the Opensports Team presents its solution, which is a contribution towards a healthier, happier and friendlier Stockholm. The Stockholm in Motion/Stockholm i rörelse concept, includes the SportsTruck and CoachNet services as well as a Stockholm in Motion App to be used as a networking tool for bringing together the concept and the users.

Project presentation video

A project by: Ylva af Kleen, Margaret Berry, Ann Edberg, Jesper Häggman, Petros Kairis, Louice Persson, Nikolas Minas Sachnika, Anna Söderberg