OpenTools is here – a digital toolbox for creativity and innovation

In June 2024, we launched OpenTools, a digital toolbox from Openlab. OpenTools is filled with useful exercises, educational templates, and helpful tips for those who want to build user-centered design processes and community-enhancing ideas. In addition, it contains a collection of activities that can lift the group process and bring energy and creativity to the team.

Verktygslådan OpenTools utgår ifrån design thinking-metoden och dubbeldiamanten.

OpenTools is based on the steps of the design thinking process and the double diamond-model, and available in Swedish.

OpenTools launch event

Our launch event was a creative and playful introduction where we “opened” the tool box for the first time together with around 60 enthusiastic visitors.

Besökare vid lanseringen av OpenTools visar upp tygväskor med design-processens faser.

The participants got to try some of the exercises and templates we selected from OpenTools, in the design process phase of their choice – challenge, empathize, define, generate ideas, prototype, test or realize. Appart from getting inspiration and input to move forward with creative ideas and innovative projects, all visitors also received a stylish specially designed tote bag.

An open toolbox

Den digitala verktygslådan OpenTools för designprocesser vid lanseringen juni 2024 på OpenlabWe hope and wish that many of you will benefit from OpenTools and that it will contribute to understanding and solving challenges in your organizations and communities. This is why we’ve chosen to share the tools openly and for free, both the exercise instructions and the templates available for download.

If you use the tools in workshops and processes, we would appreciate a mention of Openlab or OpenTools. We would also love to know if you have found the toolbox useful in your processes.

We are far from the first or the only ones to share tools in idea development, service design and creativity. Openlab has taken inspiration from various sources, including Stanford d.School, IDEO, SKR, Hyper Island, Interaction Design Foundation, Svid and many more.

The tools and exercises in OpenTools have been used and tested by the Openlab team and many of them you might recognize from our courses, workshops and processes with public sector and academia.

Continue to bild OpenTools

OpenTools came about through a fast and intense journey over the course of about six months. From a need and idea of an accessible collection of design tools, to gathering and formulating exercises, designing and setting up the toolbox, testing and tweaking, to finally launch it.

Would you like to help us make the toolbox better? Please let us know what you think and what additional exercises and activities you miss, to make the toolbox as useful as possible.

Suggest a tool via the form (in Swedish)

Feel free to test the toolbox, note your feedback (eg in a feedback grid) and send it to us at

>> Try OpenTools